Domino (Adopted)








1/14/22:  My new mom and aunt came to take me home.  I’m going to be the only dog and get all of the attention.  Mom sleeps with me on the sofa because I haven’t mastered the stairs yet.  I did bark at that cat when he took my spot of the couch.  We have been going for walks together and Terry is taking such good care of me.  Thanks everyone who helped to save me from being an outside dog and now having this wonderful home.


12/26/21:  My people were elderly and when they passed away the granddaughter advertised me on Craigslist for free.  Some wonderful folks came to meet me and all the young lady could tell them was my name and that I am 9 years old.  Never been around other animals, or trained and always been an outside dog.  As soon as they saw my condition they knew I was going home with them.  My hair was long, matted to the skin, and my legs and tail area was so bad I couldn’t sit down.  I was caked with dead skin, dirt and feces.  My teeth were  snaggled and you could smell his breath across the room. I was very weak and wobbly, and had held up while being washed and shaved. I was so happy to be clean and able to move but when I gave a rag a gentle tug 3 of my teeth fell out.  The good folks took me to be checked and vaccinated.  I weighed 48 lbs., had 3 different kinds of intestinal parasites, and a “horrifying” case of dental disease.  Fortunately I was heartworm negative.  I was treated for everything and had a dental with 4 more teeth being pulled.  Now I am eating, gaining weight and my coat has started to grow back.  I have been debarked and make a huffing sounds when I try to bark.  I enjoy playing with the other dogs if they don’t get to rough and the cats don’t bother me.  I do great on the leash and will hop right in the car for a ride.  I know no strangers and love everyone.  I want to thank the lifesaving folks that me in even though they knew they could not keep me.  They know the rescue will find a home that is just right for me.









Thank you Sara Crayton, Thomas McFall, Landee Roth, Susan Honeycutt, Anna Demeria, Deborah Brown and Kimberly Agzigian for helping with my medical needs.


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