













5/14/22:  Headed to my new home with the Cooley’s and they are very excited to have me in the family.  Although I miss Truffle, he will find a home of his own.  Trooper is my new pal and he is 4 years old.  He will teach me the things I need to know as I grow up.  I do think he may be a bit of a photo hog though.  He has let me know I have found a wonderful and will be very well cared for here.



5/2/22:  I am a 5-month-old, sable and white collie fellow that is learning so many new things.  We are working on the housetraining, crate training and basic commands.  I like to be around the other dogs and not a pest to them.  The cats are ok but I might like to chase them. My folks had to move in with family members in another state because our house burnt down.  Soon I will be going to the vet for a bath and vaccinations.







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