1/5/13: Just when I thought life couldn’t be any better Susanne & Bill came to adopt me. I never imagined anyone would want a dog like me with so many problems yet they love me already. They are very special people and what a lucky girl I am. Also here is a picture of me at my new home in my brand new crate with toys to play with. There are 3 others here and they are shelties like me so it is good to have friends. Folks sure have been good to me and I had no idea such a good life was possible for me. When I am healthy enough I will still have to be treated for the heartworms and also be spayed. Thanks everyone who helped to save my life and kept me in their prayers.

12/22/12: I continue to get better and much more active now. My skin is no longer greasy and so much more pink and healthy. Today I even did a play dance with the others and ran around the yard. Yep I’m on my way back to good health and it is because so many people care.
12/16/12: Looking a little better and sure am feeling better these days. I have so much more energy and enjoy spending time outside when it is warm. I have coats of all kinds to wear that nice people sent me. Thank you folks for not giving up on me and your prayers.

12/01/12: This week I went to the vet for some medical work. The skin scraping showed no mange mites and the treatment worked. I also had bloodwork that revealed my thyroid to be very low so I have started medicine for that. They also found out I have heartworms that will need to be treated when I am healthy again and I know that day will come. My eyes are much clearer now, my hair is growing back and my tail is wagging. Tom & Sharon brought me the raw diet dog food and will help me to get nutrition faster. I have to say I sure do love it and eat every bite. Folks have sent me some very nice sweaters to wear so I can stay outside longer and enjoy the yard a little more. I have receive blankets for my crate and it’s like I have my own fan club.
11/24/12: It isn’t easy to get a picture of me outside because I pretty much go out to do my business and back inside where it is warm. As you can see my hair is growing back and my legs are now covered. It kind of itches though like when a man is growing a beard or a woman needs to shave her legs. My skin is now a very nice pink and no longer red and angry anymore. All my life no one has cared about me and now there are so many folks that have donated toward my care. I can’t believe so many people want to help me get well. Thank you so much for this warm bed I have and mostly for the love you send. It must be Christmas Magic!

11/3/12: There is no doubt that I am on my way to a better life and in the best of hands with you folks. Can you believe I have my very own bed to curl up in and keep me warm? So far I have been wormed and treated for the mange. You can see the dead skin has started to fall off and although it looks pink and irritated the mites are dying. I don’t itch near as much and starting to feel better. We will just have to wait for the medicine to take its course. As I get healthier I will receive the rest of my medical treatment like vaccinations and spay. I’m a sweet little girl and no problem with the housetraining. I am amazed at all the folks that care about me and helping with my care. Thank you for saving my life.

10/30/12: I know I’m not pretty to look at right now because the sarpotic mange has really taken a toll on my skin. I am so lucky to be here at the rescue and it because when I saw this little girl I took a chance and went to her for help. She wasn’t put off by my looks or scared of me. She and her father called the rescue and gave me a ride. Last night the temperature went down to 36 and I would not have made it through the night. Therefore my new name is Taylor after the one who saved me. Please check in to see my progress and me become beautiful and healthy again. If you would like to help with my care just hit that donate button.
Thank you Marintha Miller, Linda Plante, Susan King, Darlene Welch, Eddie Brown, Jodi Swartz, Laurina Emery-Jacobs, Jackie Mongan, Roberta Healy, Christina Clark, Lesley Rivers, Gordon McDonnell, Brian Wilcox, Susan & James Ellis, Linda Emmerson, Merry Day, Susan Campbell, Billy Kasheta, David Taylor, Kathy Boyes, Virginia King, Richard & Marilyn Capps, Marilyn Mayhew, Valerie Rothbauer, Mount Eve Keepsakes, Jamie Curran, Angelo Massari, Angela Oaks, Mark Filippelli, Evan Novitsky, Carol Fant, Virginia Coile, Brenda Rewalt and Kay Tapley for donating toward my care.